Jasmine de Guzman  |  02/07/2019

New SaaS opportunities with Mono Scheduling Embed

As the market demand for SMB SaaS solutions continues to grow, digital service providers need to offer more flexible technology solutions.

At Mono, we’re proud to offer Mono Scheduling Embed as a standalone solution - empowering even more SMBs to use Mono technology to accept bookings from their website, social platforms, directories and more.

A new sales & go-to-market opportunityA new sales & go-to-market opportunityWith over half of consumers frustrated by manual appointment booking (GetApp, 2018), online scheduling is an increasingly important channel for SMBs to drive business. Not only does it make it easier for customers to book appointments 24/7, it also drastically reduces the time spent by SMBs managing bookings. Yet many SMBs still haven’t added online booking to their website, despite numerous online appointment booking solutions available in the market specifically for SMBs. 

With a myriad of freemium-based models that quickly lead to expensive upgrades, to complex setups that require technical integrations, SMBs can quickly be discouraged. To tackle this, we designed Mono Scheduling to be an online appointment booking solution that not only meets the business needs and price point of SMBs, but also to provide a simple setup that allows them to leverage the solution across their entire existing digital presence, regardless of platform. 

Introducing: Mono Scheduling Embed

As a standalone solution, Mono Scheduling can be embedded on any online platform that supports HTML embed. This provides the ultimate flexibility to explore new business opportunities including embedding Mono Scheduling on:

  • Websites built on another CMS/website builder
  • Directory/listing profiles
  • Google My Business profile
  • Facebook Business Pages
  • And more…

With the ability to embed Mono Scheduling on a wide variety of channels, it ultimately provides great value for the SMB as it increases the likelihood bookings and generates a higher ROI for the solution. And, ultimately the SMB’s customers experience an intuitive and simple booking flow wherever they most prefer to interact with the business.



A new sales & go-to-market opportunity

For digital service providers, Mono Scheduling as a standalone product presents an opportunity to engage in new SMB client relationships or add value to existing relationships where they don’t necessarily win or already own the website business. Over time, as the demand for an all-in-one platform proposition grows, upselling a managed website solution and other engagement-driven solutions supported by the Mono Platform is easy.

Equally important to market demand today, the introduction of an offering like online scheduling provides the opportunity to transition to a “do-it-with-me” (DIWM) model as SMB clients are required to engage in managing their bookings on a daily basis. While they may still need help with set up or making changes to their setup in the future, their daily engagement on the platform combined with the tangible return-on-investment that online appointment booking represents, makes this a very sticky and long-lasting product relationship.