Website migration at scale

The mass or bulk migration of websites to the Mono Platform will help ensure more scalability and flexibility for you to better service the growing digital presence needs of your small business clients.

new technology

What is migration?

A website migration is the process of moving  websites from one technology platform to another. This means not only moving the technical infrastructure and set up, but also the content and design – and often also involves refreshing these aspects of the website. Moving to an updated website platform can be crucial for a small business website's performance, design and overall user experience.

mass migration

Why migrate at scale

A mass or bulk website migration at scale ensures that thousands of websites can be migrated in a structured manner. There may be multiple reasons that you are considering a bulk website migration, but most often it’s about streamlining internal processes and choice of technology, as well as accommodating the growing digital presence needs of your small business clients. Read our blog post for more on why to migrate at scale and how it can help your business deliver better technology, consolidate costs, reduce churn and more.  

Read blog post

mono's approach

Technically-assisted migration

In Mono’s experience, most mass migration projects require some level of automation to make sense from a cost, effort and quality perspective. The Mono Team has years of experience and expertise in successfully engineering bulk migrations. Our team will always guide you on the best path to success with the right mix of automation and manual effort, as well as operate with full transparency on the processes around cost and development of the migration, as well as help minimize any potential risks.

The migration process


Mono will perform an analysis on the websites that you’d like to migrate. Based on this analysis, Mono will work with you to define a migration objective.


In the planning phase, Mono will work closely with you to determine the migration approach that best suits your organization. We’ll also agree on a timeline.


At Mono, we take an iterative and collaborative approach to developing and refining the migration script. As our partner, you’ll play a key role in this step and help us refine the script for migrating your websites.

Migration & quality assurance 

 Mono takes care of migrating all your websites, while you perform quality assurance. Need help? Let us recommend one of our trusted fulfillment partners.

Customer handover

Communication is key! In the last phase of the project, you will handover the newly-migrated websites to your customers.

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Dedicated whitepaper

Want more details? Download our white paper “Website Migration: Migrating small business websites at scale” to learn more about how Mono can help manage your migration process. If you’d like to learn more about the Mono Platform and how our technology can benefit you and your small business clients, we encourage you to book a call with our team.

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