Description of Cookiebot integration
Last updated: August, 2023
When a partner enters into an agreement with Mono on provisioning the cookie consent product powered by a Cookiebot integration, the following features and services are provided:
Cookie consent banner provisioning
- To render the cookie consent banner, Mono bulk updates all existing websites with a domain attached on the partners' account.
- Every time a new domain is attached to a site, a cookie consent banner and consent widget are provisioned automatically and added to the site.
- Cookie consent banners and consent widgets are only rendered on the primary domain of a site - not on any secondary domains (as they all point to the primary).
Cookie consent banner features
- As of the 16th of August 2023, all sites have a new banner design, matching the style of the consent widget.
- Default standard texts in multiple languages.
- Multi-category cookies on banner (Necessary, Preferences, Statistics, Marketing).
- Visitors can accept all, individual categories, or only necessary cookies.
- Website is automatically scanned for cookies on initial provision and once every month.
- Cookies are automatically classified into categories.
- All cookies are automatically described in multiple languages.
- Cookie consent banner rendering is optimized to have minimal impact on page load speed.
Cookie consent widget
- A consent widget is automatically added to the website so site visitors can retract or change their consent preferences any time.
Privacy framework compliance
- GDPR compliance
- CCPA compliance
- Real-time geo targeting: Cookie consent banner automatically shows GDPR or CCPA version of banner based on visitor’s IP. People from Californian IPs would see CCPA version; everyone else would see GDPR version.
- All user consents are automatically logged in an anonymized form and using an encrypted key.
Customization options in the Mono Editor
- Users can switch on/off the consent widget.
- Users can select banner position (top or bottom).
- Users can select banner color theme (light or dark).
- Users can switch off (hide) the cookie consent banner.
Cookie declaration module
- For partners who have the cookie consent product enabled on their account, a cookie declaration module will be available in the Editor. It can be inserted on e.g. a privacy policy page and automatically shows a cookie declaration, incl. a list of all cookies and their descriptions. The declaration updates automatically with every cookie scan.
On-demand, complementary services provided by Mono
- Mono Service Desk can re-categorize cookies on request for individual sites, for example if a user wants a specific cookie moved from the "Preferences" category to the "Necessary" category, etc.
- Mono Service Desk can re-scan a site for cookies at any time on request.
- Mono Service Desk can find specific user consents in consent logs within a 12-month period in case a such is needed for legal proceedings.
Support and education resources
Mono provides second-level support to partners that sell the cookie consent product.
Our partner Cookiebot maintains a comprehsive knowledge base with more information about their technology.
Any integration-specific information will be made available in the Mono Help Center.